"A spirit that has stubbornly refused to be beaten. "
Am studying game theory. for those non-equiped by economic knowledge readers, it's simply a system to systemize strategic thinking in any matters involving two or more people, fighting for their own benefit, should they have the same interest or conflicting interest. haha, this is interesting, but as i was listening to the webcast, "again" (cuz i attended the lecture too), i felt that.. my lecturer's voice is simply too sexy to be listened to.. then off i surfed around the net and stumbled upon the above quote. by kevin rudd (oh, or by the one who wrote the script for him). what a nicely written sentence.
i noticed 2 things as the quote was going through my mind. they are both quite intuitive.
1) why on earth did kevin rudd read from the script? that's so UN-cool, this has once again triggered my respect for Mr. Obama. He is able to deliver those "goosebump-ing" sentences beautifully each time he gives a speech. obama truly president~
2) Am i reading this? Australian government apologises for the lost of CHildhood of the fellow Australian? -.- this must be one of the best stories i've come across thus far for today. In a country whereby the senior citizen can just relax and enjoy their golden ages ( cuz they will be given pension, like alot), the govt is still feeling sorry for their "lack of happy childhood memory". NICE. they should really look at how the oldies (those with no children, or with children but can be thrown into dustbin "sorry, emo emo") are struggling through to earn a living in Malaysia, or any other places in the world.
i quoted a few paragraphs from BBC.co.uk., just to let you have a clearer picture of what the beginning quote is all about.
"Some "500,000 forgotten Australians" were neglected or abused in orphanages and children's homes from 1930-1970.
The Canberra ceremony was attended by hundreds of people forced to migrate to Australia when young, some 7000 of whom still live in Australia.
Some wept openly and held each other as Mr Rudd shared stories of survivors he has spoken with- children who were beaten with belt buckles or sexually violated. "
oh, so now i think the above explanation can better justify the APOLOGY. Wish whoever was affected can live the rest of their life happily, at least should be without regret. I was wondering, will the Malaysian government ever make such a warm declaration for those affected by the Japanese invasion which started in 1945? that's from a more humanity side of it. haha, i just can't stop imagining how lovely our government would be if they were to take this action.
okie, i have been spending 20 minutes here. should get back to work. game theory, here i comee!!