Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Just 10 minutes before I'm typing this, a guy jogged pass.
Just 5 minutes before I'm typing this, a lady jogged pass.
pass where? ^^ they jogged pass the pavement infront of my residence block. I always have a good view of the passerby. LOL~
In the morning, you will probably see some jogger, construction workers (cuz there's a construction work going on infront of where I'm staying), and students who going for classes.
In the afternoon, you will probably see the same people..
In the evening, you will probably see people getting frustrated in their cars cuz they are stucked in a traffic (yes, everything could be observed from my window)
At night, you will see JOGGERs, People in NUS like to JOG...Haha, I myself jogged for a few times at night with friends. Ok, one guy and one lady has just jogged pass as im typing now.. LOL~
So, the post today is about JOG. lol~ pardon me.

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