Saturday, January 15, 2011


life is. boring. without the rangers and the outings.without the interesting lectures. without seeing people i used to see everyday for 4 months. without going to facebook not feeling guilty at all

life is. good. for seeing my friends whom i haven't seen for 4 months. lots of memories come by and im glad im with them again. the slightest sense of warmth swept over.

ACC3605.HEY GUYS, i'm gonna live with you guys for the coming semester. Please offer me some excitements, though i know it's quite unlikely.

It's time.

TO draw a timetable for myself.

Monday, January 3, 2011

It feels so real

It feels so real.

I bid the last goodbye to my friends in Montreal.

Having their companion for the past 4 months was totally awesome. like, "fucking awesome".

I don't know how to explain, but each and every rangers have something special in themselves. it's so unique that all of these characteristics together make a perfect group.

Honestly, I love each and everyone of you to the bottom of my heart.

It just feels so effortless and comfortable when I am with you guys. like effortlessly comfortable.

Moving on? I hate to bring myself to think of that, but it's inevitable. What can I say?

I am so used to the rangers being around me and us doing stuffs together, I just can't bear having to be separated from you guys.

I know, when I get back to Singapore, or wherever I go to in the future, the rangers, will always have a place in my heart.