Tuesday, March 30, 2010


2010 March

2009 Oct

^^ my friend, in the photo above said i look different, and she insisted i really look different.LOL~ then I think I must agree. no eye see

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Just 10 minutes before I'm typing this, a guy jogged pass.
Just 5 minutes before I'm typing this, a lady jogged pass.
pass where? ^^ they jogged pass the pavement infront of my residence block. I always have a good view of the passerby. LOL~
In the morning, you will probably see some jogger, construction workers (cuz there's a construction work going on infront of where I'm staying), and students who going for classes.
In the afternoon, you will probably see the same people..
In the evening, you will probably see people getting frustrated in their cars cuz they are stucked in a traffic (yes, everything could be observed from my window)
At night, you will see JOGGERs, People in NUS like to JOG...Haha, I myself jogged for a few times at night with friends. Ok, one guy and one lady has just jogged pass as im typing now.. LOL~
So, the post today is about JOG. lol~ pardon me.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I have never been a big fan of music until..
Kind of agree that myself is not very inclined to music until..

Until I meet the carpenters's yesterday once more and top of the world and many more..
Until I meet Celine dion's...

Final exam is coming in a month time.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

nice nails, ugly writings ^^

my view on singapore-an

I'm not sure if this particular sample is representative of the whole singaporean but I still have to say(in a singaporean way): so dramatic, can?

lol~~~ i'm so sorry, in no way did i intent to make fun of singaporean, especially my singaporean friends! indeed alot of them are LOVELY!

Ok, now i shall go back to my topic. The story started with this, I have always been using the US msn page together with my MSN messenger. Do you know the little webpage which pops out everytime you sign in to MSN? yes, so yesterday, there was an option saying: would you like to change to MSN singapore? (i wonder how they know where we are..lol..pardon me for my shallowness, obviously it has smth to do with the internet mechanism) So yes, I thought, why not? OK, once I clicked on "OK". My little webpage changed to a singapore mode one.

And the first thing that interest me was...Jack Neo's affair, wife collapses after news conference. Walao(haha, Singaporean to be), this is~~~ so dramatic, can?
That Jack is such a womanizer, what's with the 11 other affairs has been reported after the break out of this first affair with a french model? 11 others?!!!

Btw, If u have no idea as to who he is... He's the director of Xiao Hai Bu Ben (i'm not stupid), Qian Bu Gou Yong (money not enough) and many other epic Singaporean Movies. Ok, judge for yourself if you still want to support these movies directed by a WOMANIZER. well, sometimes, personality has nothing to do with his talent, isn't it? OH WELL~~~

Monday, March 8, 2010