like what myles said: "i think u girls must be crazy to get up early in that hour to go for the ANZAC day ceremony."
haha, yes, i guess we're crazy when we finally made it to wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning and head off to the Australian War Memorial. UHM, blame my curiousity please( i just want to know what is ANZAC day and what is dawn service). ^.^ and i think this would be a nice ending for the 2 weeks long holidays.
So, back to the ceremony. I'm impressed by how australian respect those who sacrificed themselves in wars. so, get the clue? ANZAC day is about memorising and paying respect to those who died in the war, and i personally think this is to instil selfless bahaviour among the fellow australian, put aside jealousy, greediness and all kinds of bad values. The dawn service was held at the Parade ground infront of the War memorial, which is a "KUBAH" like building. so, i saw stars(which i like^.^) and slowly the sunrises(it's not quite obvious due to the cloudy weather)/. to sum it up, it's a very touching event, as a foreigner, i see how they unite, how they respect. uhm, malaysia, can we do that?
ok, so here's some pics taken~ it's freakingly cold*.*
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