Saturday, October 31, 2009

home.singapore.rainy day.saturday.lecture.exam.poni.jaychou.instant noodle.lays stax.

jie i miss you! haha.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
just discovered that writing in "." form is a very useful tool in expressing one's life/day, at least at this very moment. Today is 31/10/2009. I left aussie at 13th july. wow, it's been more than 3.5 months. Time flies. When i look back, life in NUS is indeed very busy, when I could have lived the rest of my undergraduate studies in a relaxing and pretty environment. But I did not regret, NUS... indeed is a place which is full of challenges. OF course, everyone is so occupied that they sometimes do not stop and think.. what's happening. And i see a new culture here, the avarage sleeping hour for students here is 4/5 hours. Most surprisingly, someone i know can stand it not sleeping for 2 days. "fainted"...i myself slept for only 1 hour during the TERM paper "chiong" period. I was almost pulled into the tide ^.^ but blogging save me from forgetting to think... I live my life, I love my family, I love my life, I love everyone around me. Try to say it out loud, then you will really do.

it's HALLOWEEN! happy HALLOWEEN!! At first I thought of celebrating my first halloween in singapore with ping ping who came long way from malaysia, but it's raining so heavily now. -.-

IN CASE, you, my lovely friend, who is reading this and was wondering what I have been doing for the past few months, here's the report^^:

1) lectures, tutorials

2) MNO video project

3) DSC term paper

4) Mid term tests

5) PGPR(my hostel)- sleeping, cooking (having fun with cluster mates, i love 'em)

6) NUS Wushu

7) NUS Redcross (going to learn first aid soon!)

8) PREPARE FOR FINAL EXAMINATION. (the COMPETITION here is really stiff!!!)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009






These are what I always come across recently.
The power of these mandarin teachings are fantastic. The true wisdom they are.




and happy belated birthday KAVITA!

I sent this to your phone but apparently you did not receive it because my phone just told me that it's not sent to you. ^^ anyway, happy birthday!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

i need to concentrate! i need to concentrate! i need to concentrate!

when i say it 3 times!!! i really mean it!!!

GO GO GO! Fight for the TERM PAPER!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

watch Your go-to-bed time

This is a circulated email I received from my friend. I shall share it here since I think I have alot of Nocturnal Friends. -.- even I myself sometimes do sleep late
And I'll try translating it for those who are not able to comprehend mandarin, i would like to apologise for any error in the translation.^.^

太晚睡觉等于自杀(献给爱熬夜的年轻朋友) 沉重的话题: 一个97级的名校高才生,毕业后进微软的,上月死了,只不过25岁的黄金年龄,珍视自己的生命吧,大家。
This is a serious matter: Go-to-bed very late is equal to committing suicide. A bright graduate who has just entered Microsoft died last month at the age of 25 year old. Please appreciate your life.
对了,又听到一个悲伤的消息。广告界的好青年,又挂了一人了。此人是联旭的,是业务还是设计我也搞不清楚,。前几天在连续加班后的某晚, 回家睡觉后第二天就叫不醒,挂了。
Another unfortunate news, another person who worked in the advertising industry died in sleep after a few days of continuous Overtime workload.

奇怪的是,约二个月前,也是联旭的一位女生业务,也是这样,不过她是离职后第二天,还是第几天,睡一觉就起不来了。医生说是猝死,推测是过劳。 总之,这些天九点联旭就全部关灯,大家都不加班了。大家要好好保重身体呢。 那几人之前没有发生任何的迹象:原本一向身体健康,时常运动(打篮球)但在近日连续熬夜数晚,经过数日后,突然第二天起床会觉得很疲劳!一闭眼就想睡觉!(跟前一日熬夜的感觉不同),而且会腰酸背痛,但一到晚上精神又好起来!别以为这是小事!根据中医的看法,是因过劳而造成体内器官阴阳失调,就是体内器官起内讧,互相打架,最后造成器官衰竭而死,所以希望你不是下一个!
A salesperson also died in sleep from overworking. She always leads a healthy lifestyle e.g. playing basketball, but she felt very tired even if she just woke up after the continuous few days of overtime work. However, she felt energetic at night. Do not treat this as a trivial matter! According to the chinese traditional medicine, the inner parts of body will fight among each other and loss their balances due to overworking thus causing death. Hope you will never be the next one!

9-11pm, listen to music or remain quite for the refreshment of body immune system

11-1a.m., liver is refreshing, needs to be doone during a stable state of sleep.

1-3am, gald bladder is refreshing, carried out at same stage.

3-5am, refreshment of lungs, this is why people who are having cough, cough the hardest at this period. Do not take medicine in order to smoothen the refreshment process.

5-7am, intestine's refreshment, needs bowel movement.

7-9am, breakfast should be taken because the small intestine absorbs most effectively during this period.

those who are having sickness better eat before 6.30am and for those who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat breakfast before 7.30am.

oh these are kinda long, so i've done the first part, the second part would be the one day's schedule~! Translate it using the google gadget in case if you do not see it. thank you very much!

1∶00 人体进入浅睡阶段,易醒。此时头脑较清楚,熬夜者想睡反而睡不着。
2∶00 绝大多数器官处于一天中工作最慢的状态,肝脏却在紧张工作,生血气为人体排毒。
3∶00 进入深度睡眠阶段,肌肉完全放松。
4∶00 “黎明前的黑暗”时刻,老年人最易发生意外。血压处于一天中最低值,糖尿病病人易出现低血糖,心脑血管患者易发生心梗等。
5∶00 阳气逐渐升华,精神状态饱满。
6∶00 血压开始升高,心跳逐渐加快。高血压患者得吃降压药了。
7∶00 人体免疫力最强。吃完早饭,营养逐渐被人体吸收。
8∶00 各项生理激素分泌旺盛,开始进入工作状态。
9∶00 适合打针、手术、做体检等。此时人体气血活跃,大脑皮层兴奋,痛感降低。
10∶00 工作效率最高。
12∶00 紧张工作一上午后,需要休息。
14∶00 反应迟钝。易有昏昏欲睡之感,人体应激能力降低。
15∶00 午饭营养吸收后逐渐被输送到全身,工作能力开始恢复。
16∶00 血糖开始升高,有虚火者此时表现明显。阳虚、肺结核等患者的脸部最红。
17∶00 工作效率达到午后时间的最高值,也适宜进行体育锻炼。
18∶00 人体敏感度下降,痛觉随之再度降低。
19∶00 最易发生争吵。此时是人体血压波动的晚高峰,人们的情绪最不稳定。
20∶00 人体进入第三个黄金阶段。记忆力最强,大脑反应异常迅速。
22∶00 适合梳洗。呼吸开始减慢,体温逐渐下降。最好在十点半泡脚后上床,能很快入睡。
23∶00 阳气微弱,人体功能下降,开始逐渐进入深度睡眠,一天的疲劳开始缓解。
24∶00 气血处于一天中的最低值,除了休息,不宜进行任何活动。

MNO 1001 (John Q)

Hi my fellow friends,

Here I am writing again. This time around I feel like sharing a really thought provoking movie with you guys. The movie is called "JOHN Q" or something along the line. Just type it into the youtube search box and you should be able to get it.

So, here's a little insight as to why I suddenly has this thought of sharing this here.
Have you ever had a module/course which does not require you to memorise the subject matters or to study even a single little bit?
Yes, here in the university in where I'm studying, I have such a module called Management and Organisation. In lecture, all we do are playing games, having debate/interesting talks with the lecturer Mr. David Lehman, trade and even get the chance to win some money($50 is not a small amount yea!). Mr. David never fails to keep us awake, instead we're all excited to attend his class. Just imagine, there's no pressure at all entering his class, all you need to do was a pre-reading of few interesting lively articles which he has provided in a green scrap book. And there you go, enter the class without any extra thoughts, no formula or any sort of such things. Just eenjoy and bring back what you understand from the days' activities. Till date, the topics revolve around who do you think yourself are, how would you define yourself, how you see an organization, individual as well as group's goals and etc. As we go along the course, we do learn alot about the "magical" relationship between human being and organization.
I think I shall not bore my lovely readers with my course content right now.
The reason of telling you the content of my course is to just give you an idea on how fun the course is, thus it infers that this movie is not boring. It's as fun as the course sound.

So, the main reason for me watching this movie was because we were instructed to watch it,we were scheduled to watch it in the lecture(see, we get to watch this fantastic not boring type movie for the whole lecture!) but I was absent due to "foreseen" reason-i'm lazy la, what else. hehe.. Yes, but it was still good even if i only get to watch it alone at my tiny little room. I shall not elaborate on what the movie says but yea, it's for yourself to explore. Trust me, no regret after watching it. Do it when you're free, it's definately worth your time. Tell me if it's not, i'll try to compensate you:)


Sunday, October 4, 2009

ANNOUNCEMENT: A quick peak into my new room^.^

hello everyone, i realised that it has been so long since i last updated my blog.
YES, the very first assessment for this semester: the mid term test is OVER!
so i decided to clean up my room on this very good sunday morning( woke up at noon after the celebration of mid aumtumn yesterday!) !!!
YEEAH, so here you go~! PONI proudly presents you with her nice little cutie comfy "spacious" (spacious enough for Singapore standard, lol) room ^.^
URGH, don't be bored, my apology if you don't enjoy it. Don't be mean to me lah~!
I'm just too proud for the makeover to not post it up here! hehehe~!

lol, even the dustbin is so adorable. (the fillings are newspaper, just used it to wipe the windows)
pleae tilt your head a little and enjoy the nicely arranged study desk. with the informative notice board and my favourite tea~BOH!
and here you go the corridor.
and of course my pretty single bed. ^.^ it is a star bedsheet!

yes yes, i multi-use the bed as my bench too, lol, cuz the chair is simply too hard to sit on.

haha, u can see the detergent. And the tiny little "puppet"(i think it looks like 1) is my lucky mid autumn gift~!
this is what awaits me when i go back to "PONI's home in SIngapore".

and duh, the reason for you seeing a standing fan there is because the ceiling fan was spoilt(right form the first day itself -.-) but hey! someone is coming to fix it tomorrow~! yippie!
AND, this was supposed to be the first introductory picture. Failure, im not too good in this blogging device ^.^

hope you have ENJOYed~! good day~!

Dreaming for such a GOOD guy ^.^

两种老公 两种人生‏
他:“你坐这看吧。我去给你接。” 女人多可怜。她对男人唯一的要求就是“疼她”。你可 以什么都没有。只要你疼她。她就有足够的勇气把自己的下半辈子交给你。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

他:“改天吧!” 她默默地流泪。为什么每次都是这样?
B:他下班的时候打电话给她:“亲爱的。别人给我一张奥运会的票。巴西队啊!一会儿我去 看球了啊。”
他:“哎呀。对不起亲爱的。我忘记了。那我把票给别人吧。我陪你去吃饭。” 她:“不要了。吃饭可以改天。或者你先去看。我们等你。”
他:“那不行。答应你的事情必须得做到。再说你自己跟他俩在一起像电灯泡似的。你肯定不舒服啊” 她:“没事……” 没等她说完。他很强势的告诉她“好了。听我的。你收拾一下。我一会儿去接你。” 其实女人不是不懂事。只是。她需要碰上一个懂事的男人。其实。情侣之间。是可以互相的。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A:他:“我晚上出去吃饭了啊。” 她:“几点回家?” 他:“九点之前肯定回家。” 九点半,她:“你怎么还不回来啊?” 他:“十点。肯定回家。” 十一点。十二点。一点。两点…… 后来。她不再打电话催他。因为她知道。对于不守承诺的男人。一切“肯定”都是“未必”。
B:他:“我晚上出去吃饭。九点之前肯定结束。然后我俩去看电影。” 她:“你能那么快就结束吗?” 他:“放心吧。我答应你了就一定能!” 快到九点的时候。他:“收拾一下吧。我马上就到你家了” 信任。是在一件一件小事中建立起来的。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A:她生理期。身体不舒服。顶着疼痛洗衣服。收拾屋子。 他坐在电脑前面玩网络游戏。 她干完活。躺在床上。长出了一口气。 他看了她一眼:“宝贝儿。辛苦了!”然后转过头。继续玩他的游戏。
B:她生理期。很难受。起身准备洗衣服。 他拽住她:“你去床上躺着。我来!” 她:“你会做家务吗?你自己洗过衣服吗?” 他:“不会做可以学着做啊。以后你身体不舒服的时候。我当然得独挡一面!” 女人需要的不只是甜言蜜语。哄她几句。她也许会给你一个微笑。但是实实在在的呵护。她会对你一辈子的感恩。并且会回报给你一个温暖的家。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A:她给他拿了一包榛子。然后她去洗衣服。 回来的时候。榛子已经被他吃得所剩无几。
B:她拿给他一包榛子。然后自己去收拾屋子。 回来的时候。她看见电脑前面放了一堆剥好的榛子仁。女人很感性。她炫耀你对她的体贴。就好像炫耀克拉钻一样。这么廉价的买卖。用一点心思就能收获无比的财富。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A:他说:“你是最好的。” 她问:“我哪好?” 他:“学历高。能力强。长得漂亮。对我又这么好。” 她笑了。
B:他:“你是我所遇到最好的女孩儿。” 她:“我哪好?” 他:“你对身边的每个人都很友善。很无私。对人对生活总是很感恩。一个人有一颗善良的心。会让周围的人感觉到温暖。你是我见过最善良的女孩儿。伤害你的人都应该下地 狱!” 她哭了。 一个人。是因为你对他好。所以觉得你好。 一个人。是因为懂得你的好。所以想要对你好。 幸福的恋人。首先应该是一对彼此欣赏的知己。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 传给所有的女性朋友吧。。。还有。。。务必传给那些男生们哦。。。祝大家幸福哦。。。